Hi need prayers my partner did Come back but he's been creating alot of dramas and causing alot of arguments. And creating alot of false gossip around town about me his old partners and old friendships and that he still keeps around they doing the same things I am also asking for prayers so me and my children's and dog can move to a bigger house better environmental area but also witch craft been cast and casting on me and my children's life my fremdships. Are also. Taking sides it's alot cliff confusions amd maniputions this is coming from my partner and his friends his energy changes before he comes here then blames me the things he created and said. And goes tells everyone else. So does his friends. I heard a girl tell me over the phone to me to stop that. These people. Didn't even hear my side there already judging and assuming things. My friends I met her they already assuming things as well they all stopped. Talking to me bc ofbthese false romers. And false. Lies about me my partner isn't being a partner his friends already did me so wrong and did me so dirty. That I stopped talking to them. My friends my kids father family already one sided. As well. Even my mom. I always been honest always Tru to reach out but I always get rejected and false balmed for everything my partner blames me forbhisnold relationships and old friendships. Theyvall started the arguments dramas they have a very destructive behaviors life and like to. Do spiteful things outta jealousy and go behind others back to just gossip and do evil things amd is sad I know bc they done it to me I forgave. But I won't let them back in my andbmy children's life bc they still Blame and caused all of it it just hurt my partner also chooses them. When they did him wrong and he doesn't see that. And he's going back to old relationships he used to date amd have rettions with. And he tells me theyvtreat him more better then me which isn't true just want the truth to cone out I'm tired of these games and these lies about me tired of thvwhlle neighbors and neighborhood thinking of this false person that they amd my partner been and creatingvits time for God. To do something about it. My partner is lying about. My home he lies to everyone about me. Andbim hurt and frustrated I love Jesus christ and this bene going for a long-time and and also witch craft been castedvin my life and my children's life Satan is also stopping us from. Getting our blessings putting fake promises and empty promises and people stopped helping me bc of all this they stopped being my friends bc of these lies that my partner and his friend's and old partners and old friendships even my old friendships and old partners created Ned da miracle for me and my babies they plotted and plot against. Me. I wentbthrough a huge depression last year bc of them I appreciate there help but I never asked no one nothing in return and they all blame that suppose want there husband's I don't. I have alot of respect for everyone relationships. And even my friendships marriages and relationship but all of this got twisted against me. Everything. Got twisted against me. It hurts. Need prayers
We will print and place your prayer request on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Christ’ body was laid down after being removed from the crucifix and prepared for burial.
Prayer For Samantha
Send Your Prayers to the Holy Land
Recently, we heard an inspiring story from a fellow believer, John, who reached out to share his miracle with us:
“My prayers came true! My dad was healed from stage 4 prostate cancer after submitting my prayer request. Glory to God! Your service brought me closer to Jesus Christ, making me feel his love and grace.”
Such stories remind us of the power of faith and prayer, and how our collective spirituality can make a profound difference.
What happens when you submit your prayer?
We will personally deliver your confidential prayer to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
We will place your prayer on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Christ’ body was laid down after being removed from the crucifix and prepared for burial.
We will light a candle on your behalf foot steps away from the Tomb of Jesus.
You will receive an email with photos of your printed prayer on the Stone of Anointing.
In the unlikely event that you are not completely satisfied with our service, please remember we offer a guaranteed refund, no questions asked. We are dedicated to ensuring your spiritual journey with us is fulfilling and meaningful.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Recent Prayers
Financial freedom and healing for my grandson Isaac he is sick and has been off school for a week. Healing for my husband’s back
Venancio, Isaac & Angeles
Lord Jesus show me signs my husband and I get back together soon before end of this year.
That our child receives eternal rest in Heaven, we are absolved all guilt and that we may help another child in her name