In the name of JESUS, I need you LORD…I thank you for vindicating me. I thank you for fighting my battles for me. I thank you that you are for me and not against me. I thank you for a full route or a big Aux route with an LKV die me in my office. I thank-you got opening an ADR/Area Steward job for me with the union. I thank you that my health us prosperous. I thank-you that 2018 is a prosperous year for me. I thank that no weapon shall prosper against me. I thank you for your peace, protection, love, guidance, knowledge, joy, happiness, strength and I thank you for giving me work everyday. I thank you for your provision in my life. I thank-you for hearing and answering my prayers. Not my will, but your will be fine. In JESUS name, amen.
Deseo pedir por todos los problemas de mi salud y la sanacion de mis heridas en mi codo y los dolores que tengo tambien
Laura Patricia