Prayer Request
Jesus hear our prayer.!I request prayers for my two daughters 1.My daughter Rachel has written her Maths GCSE exam for the third time.She has worked hard and pray to the Lord with utmost belief.If she doesn’t pass this time she can be heart broken.I have been a strong believer since childhood and we have received numerous favours.I humbly request prayers for this intentions.
2.My daughter Rebecca has her first year Dentistry exams.Her problem is lack of confidence and motivation and understanding of certain topics.Besides other distractions.I humbly request prayers for her so that she gains good understanding of the topics she learns and also retains what she learns.I pray through St Antony for the above intentions including her success in all exams she sits in September.
3. I also request prayers to resolve any problems associated with my property in dispute.
4. I request prayers that I may find the source of income to educate both my daughters.
Hear my prayer oh lord. Amen! Judith
Please pray for my husband Lee to be offered a job today. It has been two years of hardship and applying. This is causing