Dear HOLY SPIRIT Please come to my wife PAULINE. And fill her with an abundance of your heavenly gifts ; the gift of freedom from anxiety and complete trust in YourDAivine Will, the gift of healing , the gift of hope in Your Heavenly Power,The Gift of enlightened mind,xthecgift of spousal love and friendship, the gift of joy,St a gift of faith,hope charity and repentance for sin, the gift of gratitude and thanksgiving, the gift to welcome another day, the gift of steely resolve in the face of doubt, the gift of determination,cthecgift of insight, the gift of love and friendship ,the gift of trust , the assurance and freedom from doubt and pessimism, the freedom from worry,the vision to see the. B enefits of surgery and thankfulness for GODS GOODNESS.,the gift to recognise the love of her family and in particular her loving spousal. Place all her cares,xanxieties, worries, doubts ,frustrations under the blood of THE LORD JESUS and leave it there,the trust in HIS GOODNESS,The gift of knowing HIS LOVE for her .The Gift. To leave everything in the blood of JESUS and the complete trust in HIS LOVExfor her,to leave everything in HIS DiVINE HANDS and finally the gift of PATIENCE. AMEN.
Dear Lord God, I pray for strength for myself and my family during this challenging time. With all my being, I pray for my
Maria Lynley