Lord, I am here again your daughter, Porferia C. Altomera. Lord, I thank You for everything that you have blessed me with, for accompanying me and bringing forth healing in my last hospital admission. I thank You that a reduction in the renal mass was noted. Lord, I am asking Your forgiveness for all my sins. Lord, with Your great love and mercy, I am asking for the complete and natural healing of my renal pelvis mass, my hemorrhoid, trickling pain in my bladder, and all infirmities in my body. I place all my faith and trust in You Lord that I will be spared from nephrectomy, any surgery or procedure, or treatment/therapy. Please continue to make the mass materially reduce in size, then disappear without a trace; with no more urinary tract infections and hematuria; that I can be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Strengthen and restore the functions of my right and left kidneys, to allow optimal GFR levels. Grant us peace Dear God in this journey that you are leading us with. May we learn to place all our faith, hope, trust and strength in Your saving power. This we ask through the intercession of Mama Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help, and St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Jesus, King of Mercy, We trust in You. Amen.
I pray for Healing my left side stomach and left side hips is paining I think there’s a growth and my Australian PEV Visa