Heavenly Father, please help us- Austin (8) & Brooks (5), and if it isn’t not too selfish to ask please help me, too. I found the strength to leave my physically and sexually abusive spouse. We are now in the heat of a terrible custody battle as I am seeking custody of our babies; until Nathan can get the help and healing that he needs to find you- our incredible Savior, let go of his aggressive nature, and cease hurting others to cover his own frustrations. I was able to get myself to safety, but now the court questions whether my children should be with him solely until he heals, and not with me. I do not understand how leaving two small children in the hands of a convicted domestic abuser is just. I am terrified. My children are my life. Please help us Father, and guide Judge Richelle Wahi to truthfully think about the safety of our children with all of the substantiated she has. I resent myself and feel selfish for having fled from the abuse. If I knew it would’ve led me down a path of not being there for or with my babies I would have stayed with Nathan. My children need safety, I need strength, Nathan needs healing, and I am on my knees asking you to help the Judge to see the truths, facts, and risks of not allowing time for all to heal. Please, God, please help us.
Please Lord, help me to strengthen my faith in You and to focus on Your Word. Heal me Oh Lord. Also help all my