Dear Lord,
I humble myself before you. I acknowledge, Lord, that you have all knowledge and wisdom and I comparatively have none. Your ways and thoughts are so different, and higher, and my ways and thoughts are so human. Lord, I am personally feeling so tired and so weak and as you know I have suffered the ultimate betrayal. It has affected my ability to trust and I am very lonely. May I ask, Lord, that you continue to help me with great successes and winning in business. I ask that you send the Holy Spirit upon me, that Jesus comes into my mind and my heart, and that you in your infinite wisdom and knowledge and kindness have mercy upon me and use me and my company as your hands when it comes to caring for these little ones successfully, and with unmatched skill. Lord, I give it all to you because you are perfection, and I am so human in my many mistakes. I ask you, Lord, and I offer the body, blood, soul, and divinity of your son and my Lord Jesus Christ and ask you to remove all sin and any barriers that are between us Lord. Let nothing prevent you from doing your will in my life, and making me the Father that you want me to be. May my happiness and comfort come second to that of my child…your greatest gift to me outside my life. Please, Mary Mother of God, help me to be a good and loving father and help me to teach my baby girl about you and your perfect ways. Please use me to help you, protect my daughter from the ones from whom you are absent, and to teach her to have faith in you. Nothing will serve her better in life and as your conduit to my child I have no greater purpose. Lord, you have a son, and you know the love I have for my daughter. I ask that through the sacrifices I make I may be deemed worthy of the blessings that you have given me. Please help me to accumulate earthly wealth for the purpose of giving baby L great and lasting security. Security that is not the result of only my efforts, but borne of my service to you and my dedication to a life of submitting to you. Lord, please keep her safe and healthy and again help my influence and teaching to outweigh and outdo those who teach her to love the world, and seek to steal from her the joy that is possible from a life of faith in you. Lord, please help me with my company. Please inspire me to be able to deal with everything that comes my way, and help me to leave nothing undone. Please send me the correct support staff for my field workers and help us to come as close to perfect in our execution as your will allows. Please, Lord, if it is your will, give me the skills that I need to keep up the success of my company. I trust in you, Lord, and I beg of you to exact some justice for the betrayal both L and I experienced. Lord, there is much on my heart that I would like to pray and intentions for you, but I am limited in the length of my prayer. Please, Lord, take care of the unspoken intentions and bless and provide graces to all of my family and I as well as my workers and company. In Christ's name, and in the victory that is his resurrection, may all be done according to your will. If events and circumstances can come to pass as I wish them Lord, please allow them to do so. I submit, however, to your eternal goodness and your will for me and my child. Amen.