Prayer for the right people to come into my life and the wrong ones to go in every area of my life.
Agreement to bind the devil and his schemes, plans, lies, projects, and cast him and his followers out of my life now and permanently. For Satan to take his hands OFF my life.
For his plans and persecutions against me and my mother to be stopped, rebuked, cancelled, voided, and
For God to RESTORE everything the devil is stealing and doing to me, restore all the years lost, all the friends lost, everything lost because of these attacks,
and those helping advance these attacks and lies against me for the angel of the Lord to drive them out of my life and replace them with Godly people who will help me.
For this mountain of lies and persecuion to move and cast to the sea today in Jesus Name
For God and truth to arise in every area of my life and deal with every situation and turn it around.
For faith to rise up in me and God's wisdom. God help in every area of my life. For angels to go and bring me everything that belongs to me and remove what shouldn't be there.
For God to supply all my needs. To experience God's 100% protection at all times, deliverance, peace, love, Freedom, redeemed, goodness, mercy, grace, joy, breakthrough NOW.
For a Miracle to happen now to change everything I am dealing with and be free from these attacks and persecution once and for all today. To be able to move forward with my life.
For God and His Angels to turn my situations around as of today, to be set free from these problems, and all who don't want me to be blessed or free or blocking my freedom
to be moved out of my life. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. To receive a miracle goodness report of deliverance this week. Thank you, Praise God! Amen
By Faith let this prayer be answered now. Amen
Almighty Father,My Elohim all my glory and praise to you. Thank you for your grace and mercy upon me and my family. Lord God
Neelesh & Neeraj