Please pray for Vilija Wlosinski to find inner peace strength endurance, stability, financial security and complete independence with opportunities of growth and development. Please Pray for new resources and new employment opportunities to present themselves to Vilija very soon so she can transition into a brand new career path. Until then please keep her current position stable, secure and protected under divine intervention. Please lead Vilija to a more financially stable secure environment with new resources and new leadership that is very supportive and flexible with Vilijas schedule as she manages her husband cancer care plan. Please pray for an excellent salary and benefits package as well as opportunities of growth and development in a brand new career change. Please pray that all internal and external employment sabatoge is removed eliminated and all roadblock and prevention of success is removed from Vilijas life because currently she is facing severe sabatoge from her previous employers. We need in er guidance wisdom, peace and most of all divine intervention. Vilija desperately needs to find a new very private and secure job.
What God ordained for me and my husband will never overturn. Cease desist, remove marriage paperwork from my husband and his cousin. Lord Jesus
