Please pray for Vilija Wlosinski to find a new career path new resources. Job stability security and opportunities of growth and development. Please pray for a very successful career transition. We need financial increase stability growth opportunities. VIlijas husband Greg is recovering from esophageal cancer surgery and is on 2/3 pay currently which places the financial burden on Vilija to maintain the house and the finances . We need divine intervention healing mercy and clarity direction wisdom knowledge new connections and resources to help guide Vilija on a new career path that provides financial stability growth opportunities and success. We need very supportive Management team that will work with Vilijas Husbands Cancer treatment plan appointments. Please pray for divine healing and recovery for her husband Greg Wlosinski and divine intervention for Vilija to gain successful bountiful employment opportunities.
Please pray God miracle breakthrough and merciful heal my ovaries, heal my womb, heal my eggs to naturally conceive my husband sperms, ensure healthy