Please pray for paddy and Margaret ward ur 4 kids for all ur intions for peace and happiness joy and proction around us good guidance and answer ur prays and ur intions also for my son seamus who was stop for no driving license and no insurance he is back up in court in a few weeks and want show passport and license and immigration stauts which he has not got I am really worried about this and for police to be calling out to ur house also for my husband paddy ward who was arrested last week and is up in court on 17 December for he has 3 charges for not listen to the police as last few weeks we having alot of problems paddy and my son Tom has also not been getting any work please pray for things to change for us to be alot better also for Tom to have more wisdom understanding knowledge courage strength minutre for each of us for Tom to be more responsible for work app and be able to be more wiser with them also for Martin gerard stop wetting the bed and for 3 sons to there best in boxing club and bring on there boxing skills alot better for me and paddy for ur marriage to be alot better and stop arguing and to gwt on alot better and take away any jealous in paddy mind and for to be better husband and father for ur Love to be alot better for to take away any anxiety and depression for me and paddy and Tom I also take panic attacks I am under alot stress ad pressure I feel like I am go have break down .please pray to break any cures and badness and preguree towards us for my benefits to work out good and for get Tom add back on to my benefits plz pray for strength among us for me and mariah stop coming out please pray for blessings towards us .
Please pray God miracle breakthrough and merciful heal my ovaries, heal my womb, heal my eggs to naturally conceive my husband sperms, ensure healthy