Please remove cast out cast away every and whole satans demons evil spirts devils from my dad, my mom my brother brother’s family eachone me him his parents.. us and between us. Our eachone between us everything. house car…store etc too.. please deliver us from all those spirits soul works completely and thoroughly. please give eacone us between us complete whole restoration fix and healing.. keep whole full complete eachone us between us our eachone between us stole lost giving away switched…etc.. Please heal our wounds. eachone one our eachone everything gone. please restore and fix everything even….monjeetul mahn keum do.. please d,d,c,t,e,r completely thoughly from EE,A,JM,EEB, ME, I,E EB, EJ,…etc and all the ememies…etc.. for eachone and us… please…break all the bondages chains olmoo, teul please…
Please pray God miracle breakthrough and merciful heal my ovaries, heal my womb, heal my eggs to naturally conceive my husband sperms, ensure healthy