Dear Heavenly Father,
As I come to you today I plead with you for help to pay my debts off. I have been working hard to pay them but it is 2.5 years and I am still struggling. Please provide for me oh lord.
Dear lord please let my credit score improve and let me be debt free.
Dear Jesus I am still sharing the car with my husband due to my debts and that is making it difficult for me to do my basic tasks, chores errands. I end up paying more to Uber even though I am the one paying for fuel and when my husband uses my car. Dear god please provide for my down payment to lease my own car.
Dear Jesus please let me have job security and not be impacted. Please change my reporting manager from Dhiraj Thakur to Abhijeet Dhamankar. Dhiraj is very political and take credit for my work.
Dear lord please protect my year end appraisal rating, bonus and hike and let me not be cheated like last year .
Please let the organization be fair and pay me a good bonus, home and rating this year end.
Dear hod please give me justice for what my previous manager Amod and Current manager Dhiraj have done to me and my career.