Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament,
Please intercede for the following intentions:
That the Holy Spirit will kindle a fire of ardent love for our Eucharistic Lord at Most Blessed Sacrament Church…That this fire of love for God will inspire more adorers to step up and come forward and commit to loving and adoring God weekly in Perpetual Adoration. That existing adorers will deepen their reverence and appreciation for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament according to God’s will…That you will intercede for us and the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel will thrive with adorers who love God deeply. That Colleen and all her family will be abundantly blessed. That the Fadell family will be abundantly blessed as well. That all adorers will receive an abundance of grace, God’s favor and answered prayers according to His Holy will and lastly for blessings for my family and that I will just humbly do my very best day by day with the Adoration tasks and that I will always love God deeply, do His Holy will and one day do something really beautiful for God that will make Him smile and deeply happy.
I humbly lift this up to the Lord through your immaculate heart,