Dear God we pray for Klaudia to have a sound mind, and that we rebuke and bind in Jesus Christ name all her bipolar, manic periods, psychosis, fear, pride anxiety, scorner, Sadness, heaviness, insecurity, loneliness, depression and unforgiveness, and all the ticks she uses. Klaudia will never have sleepless nights and never get into hospital for sickness ever again, she is cleaned and recovered to health 100% in brain, body, soul, and mind, by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Job 22:28: You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.
God will give Klaudia inside of her state of mind, Klaudia, will take her medicine every day litium in the morning and every evening Litium and olanzapine as much as needs for her health to be good. She will understand to regulate her state of mind until God has healed her totally, in the name of Jesus Christ. She will not smoke and she will not drink alcohol ever again.
She will never ever more get psychosis or manic attacks. Buy God All mighty Klaudia is teached by God to regulate and be able to control her health herself, have inside of her State of mine, and take actions by following, the Doctor, prescription, Klaudia will never be hospitalized ever again for sickness or any other reason for unhealthiness.
A future bride and happy and full of health, joy, and a good goddess Christian Man, that will love and respect her, will enter into her life according to God will, and that she will have love and respect, they will have Jesus in there lives and be good Chistian believers. God will bless them with love and sound mind, happiness and goodness shall follow them all days of their lives. I and the family will never have to worry about Klaudia, she will always be in good state of mind and stable in every area in her life.
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings the health, the happiness, the joyfulness, the power, Love, and sound mind that you will place and bless in Klaudia, God in heaven you can heal her. You can make her better and better every day you can stop the sickness and I pray that you will renew her mind and that she will become better every day. I trust you God and I promise to always speak of your holy name and the greatness that you have done in her life if you heal my child Klaudia. In Matthew 80: it says clearly when two or more agree on anything in prayer it will be done. Let’s join in faith together right now. Give Klaudia great prosperity in her Beauty Cliniq.
Lord In heaven I declare that no weapon – physical, emotional, or spiritual – formed against Klaudia will prosper. Guard her heart, body, and mind from harm. May your divine protection cover her in every situation. Isaiah 54:17
Psalms 121:7-8 Father, I trust in your promise to watch over Klaudia, both now and always, keep her safe from all harm, whether at home, in the streets, or were ever she is,. Let your presence be her constant protection.
in Jesus Christ name we pray Amen
Priez Dieu le Pere tout Puissant afin que mon père guérisse de son hypertrophie de la prostate. Lui qui a toujours été droit et

Jean Claude MESTAS