Dear God,
You know me, your daughter Jeana. You know I have been praying for marriage restoration for almost 2 years now. Please Lord listen to all my prayers and restore my marriage. Please Lord bring my husband Mihai Robert back home and make him stay with us forever. Please Lord change my husband and make him the way he used to be. Please Lord heal my husband Mihai Robert of all his weaknesses and fears, of all his confusion, anger and pride. Please Lord deliver my husband from adultery, cheating and lying to me. Please Lord take that woman Marina out of our lives and away from us forever.
Please Lord, restore my marriage, please Lord give me back my family.
This I pray in the Name of My Lord and Saviour Jesus Chist. Amen.
What God ordained for me and my husband will never overturn. Cease desist, remove marriage paperwork from my husband and his cousin. Lord Jesus
