Lord God, me and Zeeshan wants to thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Lord, may you always bless us, guide us and protect our relationship against evil eyes. Lord, I pray that our relationship will lead into marriage and I pray that both our families, friends and loved ones will accept our relationship and support our relationship. Lord please help us to be better partners for each other and very committed to each other and always respect, be faithful, love and take care of each other.Please bless us both with a kind and joyful hearts and a peaceful mind. And Lord please bind us together and don’t let us be apart. Lord, I am praying for both our careers as it serves as our bread and butter. Lord today is Zeeshan’s birthday (Nov 3) . Thank you for his Life. Thank you Lord that our paths crossed. May you bless him with good health and long life and more success in all aspects in life..Please be with Him in everything he does. He is a blessing to me and everyone around him, Lord I am praying for Zeeshan for his upcoming job interview this November. Please be with him during this entire process and give him the correct knowledge and wisdom to answer all the questions efficiently. Lord I pray that he will get this job because this is important for him. I know that you can see Zeeshan always doing his best at work and he always put his best efforts in everything . I pray that all his hard work will pay off. Please also bless us financially so we could afford to buy a house, marriage and having kids . We also pray for our families back home,. May you keep them safe and healthy and comfortably enjoying life. Lord thank you for everything you have done for us and we are sorry for our sinful nature and shortcomings. I know you love us and always listen to us and willing to give us everything that aligns to your will. Thank you Lord and We Love you. 🙏❤️
Quiero pedirle de con toda el alma a Jesús nuestro señor por mi madre Maura Ramirez Fuentes, por su salud, está padeciendo de cáncer