Dear Heavenly Father this is your servant and Jehovah’s Witness Matthew Aaron Branscum from Southside Arkansas. I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ first to ask forgiveness of my sins and trespasses in Jesus Christ name. And to thank you for the blessings and all that you do. I love you Jehovah. I’m seeking an answer to something I was told awhile back by you and or Jesus Christ and by what you had me pull from the Scripture at how I could have back everything I ever lost in my life because time travel is possible since that time I’ve waited patiently on what you promised and I would like an answer as to when I can get back everything I ever lost ? Also I have another problem and I seek your immediate help Father. For the last 4 or 5 years or more I’ve been being cursed by spirits and I’m hearing the voices of people I know but I don’t know where they are coming from and they taunt and harass me all day and all nite over different things mainly over my estranged wife Meichi. I’m pretty sure Jehovah but not certain that these attacks by spirits and the voices stem from her placing a Spirit on my soul one nite without my permission or knowledge of what she had done and only figured out what she had done months later. I beg of you to please look into this for me and cast out all Spirits from my soul and my home that have been gathering here or that have been cursed into me by someone. I ask of you for your help with this in the name of Jesus Christ. And I pray for these things to please be addressed in your name Jehovah God in Jesus Christ name and that of the Holy Spirit amen.
Mercy & Grace For God to step down and release my legal case in my favor. Dealing with a crooked detective and corrupt district