Please Father, help Steve and Chris to help Steven, Jr with his job at Greenway Mazda. Help them both to teach Steven, Jr everything he needs to know to be a successful finance manager. Please help them both to have patience with Steven, Jr. Make this work situation draw them closer as father & son and help make Greenway Mazda a big success together. I pray for our whole family Father. For Tiffany & Adam’s marriage to be full of love & respect for each other. And to keep me & my husband together happily forever. Please help our son to excel and learn from his father. Please help my Mom to be well again. And I pray for my Dad’s soul. I thank you Father for all the blessings you have given us and all the blessings yet to come. To God be the Glory! First, last & ALWAYS! AMEN!
Dear Lord I’m writing to you to ask for guidance in my direction of my job. I’ve been offered a buyout and the deadline