In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I pray to have a second opportunity with the man who I let go. I let him go because I feared and because of my insecurities. I pray to become a new woman and have courage to take challenges in my own life. I pray for Leopoldo Garcia to be a new man and for him and I to have a second chance to have a relationship and pursue each other leading to marriage, doing everything according to God's Will. I pray for Leopoldo Garcia and his family to be abundantly blessed in their health, personal relationships, finances, and may their deep desires for God be fulfilled. I also pray for my family and I to be abundantly blessed in our health, personal relationships, finances, and may our deep desires for God be fulfilled.
Querido Señor Jesús Dios, te pido por Camila Fernanda Abasolo Quispe, para que ilumines su mente y alivies su corazón de tanto odio y
Camila Fernanda