I don't want to pay SSA. I don't think it is fair. I want my book, It's All About Water to be a top seller amongst children books. I want to sell a million more. I want my song, God Send me a Rainbow to be heard globally by billions of listeners. I need good health and strength. I pray for my blood pressure, sugar and blood cells to be normal. I pray for my husband and his family. I pray that his daughter gets back to normal life. I pray for healing for his brother and father. I pray for all his children. I pray that we be a loving couple and do what couples without any hardships. I pray for my siblings, and their children, grandchild,and great I pray for my late sisters' children and grandchildren. I pray that all my family be protected and successful. I pray for inlaws to be guided and rooted in the love of Jesus. I pray for my ministry, education, civic organizations.I pray for leadership and respect. I pray for my husband's church. I pray that someday may administrate or pastor a church. I pray for Nedra's grand children. I pray for healing for Karim, Norman, Shaquanda, Wayne,Otis, Edward, and Ceree. I pray that Norman gets a relationship with his son. I pray that my sister in-law ways change to good. I pray for the previous Bishop's wife, and Sheila. I pray for prosperity, health and spiritual guidance for myself. I pray for healing, protect and guidance for my siblings and a special blessing for guidance for the ones living with me. I pray that they find Jesus and their own home. I pray that everything I do be blessed and prosper.
Dear Lord, Thank you for your grace and blessings. Please bless our family with good health, strength, long life and all happiness. Bless us
Chabilall and Rajpatty