I ask in Jesus name that you would prosper Shirley Braxton and her family. Shirley has had long suffering financial struggle since her husband Maceo died in 2008. Maceo was such a generous husband and very loving. My mother has been lost without him. She expects her children to take on this burden but her children need to have the choice to give freely of themselves without it being forced and done out of love. I pray Shirley would understand this and I pray her family would be blessed so abundantly they would bless her 10 fold without being asked. I pray for direction for Natalie Braxton her daughter in her career as a writer and artist and her soul would be at peace. I ask in Jesus name on direction if Natalie should write a film script about the late Marc Spitz, and if this is of God let him provide every connection and resource for it to happen and be a success and all other endeavors of art. Natalie wants to live a dynamic big full long full life, please bless the Braxton Family Shirley, Natalie, Maceo III, Andrew. THY KINGDOM COME, GOD’S WILL BE DONE!
Heavenly Father, I pass my council on law enforcement, don’t let nothing hold it back, so cleet can send me my license as soon
Alberto & blanca