Loving Heavenly Father, thank you for giving a place to study in Varna Medical University. Lord bless the fees that we are going to pay today.Pls help him to sustain all the six years of study. Help him to persevere during tough times. Your strength is sufficient. Help him to have self control in times temptation. Please cover him with Your blood that he is well protected from all harm, sickness and any weakness mental and physical. praying for good sleep and waking up very early for the lessons. Help him to have a happy time during his stay there with good friends godly and good work ethics. Praying for good teachers for Jeff to have high favour from them. Thank the Holy Spirit pleading on my behalf of what I have not asked for. kindly listen to my prayers Lord. Amen
Amado Señor Jesús, te pido de todo corazón por mi pareja Camila Fernanda Abasolo Quispe para que le des claridad en su mente y