Hello Jesus. I want to express my utmost gratitude for hearing my prayers regarding my aunt-in-law Mayolita. I hope that she will have a change of heart and acknowledge my mother's love, support and generosity for her family and her children. I still am surrendering Mayolita to you Jesus for all that she is and all that she has done to my Mama Dan. Thank you Jesus for the new owner of Mondragon Apartment complex for their good heart and is now becoming friends. Bless them and guide them. Thank you Jesus for all the blessings, big and small – because you continue to be there for us in all our needs from finance, health, safety and for every day. Thank you Jesus for the house in San Julio Azucena Street, please keep it safe from harm but abundantly bless this house which we are making it our home including those who live in it my cousin Joshua and his family. Thank you for my family including my Uncle Tito Eddie – who are there to always keep me grounded and has kept me going, no matter what. Thank you for ALWAYS! You are greater than anything and anyone else. Thank you for your mercy but most of all, I, THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father I beg for your forgiveness and ask that you please watch over my children and wife and keep them healthy and