Lord, thank you for everything especially for our daughter's successful surgeries. We praise you and we love you. I pray Lord that all the pathology reports will be good and nothing to worry. Please Lord give her/us the strength peace and good health so she will have a speedy recovery. Lord, please forgive our sins and help us to forgive others too. Please continue to guide heal help move on from the past and bless us as one to be a blessing to others. Lord, please lead us to the right path where we can find a healthier peaceful comfortable life in every way mentally emotionally physically financially and spiritually so we can find and achieve all our goals in life especially to our children and most of all to fulfill our purpose in the life that you have given us. If we are confused stress depress overwhelmed scared have a lot of worries if there is illness Lord, please hold our hands and never let us go keep your eyes on us and let us focus on you always stretch your arms Lord and let us feel your presence and that you are in control of everything. We just need to surrender all to you please be the center of our lives and lead us always so we don't make mistakes, and we are not afraid wherever we go.
Lord, I pray for our children and all of us your guidance always wherever we go and whatever we are doing please give us good health peace of mind focus understanding and perseverance protect us from any danger or problems and make us good people a better law-abiding citizen and most all a better children of God. Please help them on their education hoping and praying that they will be able to fulfill their dreams in life as well their friends and all the children in the world.
Lord, I'm praying for all my previous tests my upcoming tests hoping that all will be good. Lord it's all on your hands your will be done. Please fix the broken pieces on us our family relatives friends' workplace school community and the whole world. Lord you are the one who created us and you know what's best for us. Please bring us back to our house safe and sound and nothing to worry wherever we go guide us in all our plans that everything we do works for your glory and a reflection of you. Please Lord strengthen our faith trust and hope in you that in your time will mercy love and blessings you will fix all our worries concerns and problems and you will make our lives' beautiful, your will be done in Jesus mighty name Amen and Amen Lord.