Father i come before you with a heavy heart and you kniw my tears and my heart i asknyou for your intercession in regsrds to thims situation regsrding my personsl prayers ibaskef youband continue to ask you the same thing in acckrdance with you you know i love you and dexire tobalways follow you in this area of my life i neef you mist itd been very chslkenging i knoe noone believes me but you do plrsde forgive me for not seeing thst silvia was trying tonbe a true friend anmd she believes as i do zs you dtated in this matter but the oroblem is this individusl dies nit and although i soesk truth i in turn hurt i trust you lord heaerd me i do not. Lie i speak the truth i do not know how you will do this but i ask you to in silent prayer to help as i need you too sid in this snd thide who know og this including my family of me and support ne i ssk thst you fulfill my dedire and for this i pray in silence i ask this father in your don our lord jesus christ’s name i love you thank you praise honor and glory to you fsther son and holy spirit now and forever smen
Deseo pedir por todos los problemas de mi salud y la sanacion de mis heridas en mi codo y los dolores que tengo tambien
Laura Patricia