Strength is something that comes in many different shapes and forms. However, strength is something that can come through making a prayer request to God. There are countless prayers about strength that you can use in your prayer requests. Saying these prayers about strength is something that comes with the added benefit of knowing that you’re developing your personal relationship with God. Through the strength that he provides you, anything is possible.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayers for Strength and Healing
Often, a prayer for healing also combines with prayers for strength and healing. One of the beautiful things about prayers for strength and healing is the fact that you can combine a number of things that are going on in your life into one prayer. For example, you can use this as part of your prayers for strength and healing:
I’m in need of healing in my life. Not only that, but I also need strength as I work through the healing process. Please protect me and guide me as I take these important steps in my life. Amen.

Strength Prayer for a Friend
Has a friend expressed to you that they are struggling with something challenging in their life? Along with prayers for a friend, you should take these prayer requests a step further and say a strength prayer for a friend. Do you need inspiration for your prayer intentions? Here is an example of a prayer that you can use:
Heavenly Father,
My friend is struggling with something in their life right now. I come to you in prayer and humbly ask that you send them your holy spirit and provide them with the strength and determination that they need to navigate through these challenging times in their life. Amen.
Strength Prayers for Family
Saying prayers for family is saying that is meaningful in the life of any person. Therefore, if your family is going through a difficult time or you simply feel as though your family could use more of God’s touch in your lives, you may want to say strength prayers for family. These strength prayers for family can be personal or they can be more general such as:
Dear God,
I ask that you hear my prayers for strength for my family. I ask that you keep them safe and protected through the challenges that they may face and help them to keep the strength in the faith that they have in you. Amen.

Strength Prayer Catholic
Would you like to make a Catholic prayer request for strength? Countless Catholics all over the world feel comfortable making a strength prayer that is Catholic so that they can call on the saints and angels to help them with the challenges that they may be experiencing at this point in their life. An example of a strength prayer that is Catholic is:
Heavenly Father,
I need your strength in my life. I ask that you send me your love and support and also send the saints and angels to lead me and guide me in my journey. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Prayers for Strength and Hope
Prayers for strength and hope can help you to keep your eyes focused on the goals that you have for your life and getting closer and closer to God. Therefore, when a person prays for hope they often pray for strength as well. An example of such a prayer can be:
I need strength and hope in my life. It feels like there are certain things that are falling down around me. Please help me to focus on the goals that you have for me and the good that I can do in my life. Amen.