Your earthly father is one of the most important people in your life. Therefore, it only makes sense that everyday there are countless people who put together a prayer request with prayers for a father. Keep in mind that a prayer for a father doesn’t always have to be for your own father. There are numerous people who make prayers for the father of their friends and they also say prayers for men who are like fathers to them. If you have a man in your life who is a father, one of the best things that you can do for that man is to say special prayers for him so that he can continue to receive the guidance and love from God to be the best father he can possibly be.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayers for Loss of Father
The loss of a father is something that is never easy to manage. Although you may say powerful prayers for the dead, these prayers can be enhanced by making time to say prayers for the loss of a father. If you find yourself in such a state of grief that you’re unable to put these prayers together. Here is an example of a prayer for the loss of a father that you can use:
Dear God,
It feels as though my world has been torn apart due to the loss of my father. I kindly ask that you hear these prayers for the loss of my father and take him under your heavenly protection. Also, please help me to find the sense of stability in my grief and help me to remember that all things are done through you and with you. In your holy name I pray, Amen.
Prayers for My Father
Saying prayers for my father is a special time that can help to give you peace that God is there with and for your father throughout all of his trials and tribulations. Whether you opt to make this a Catholic prayer request or you simply need to say prayers for my father to help to give yourself peace, there are many different types of prayers for your father that you can say including:
Please hear and look kindly on these prayers for my father. Help to keep him safe from any harm and give him the strength that he needs to continue to be a man of faith. I thank you for allowing him to be my father and ask for your blessing down upon him. Amen.

Prayers for a Dad from Daughter
There is nothing more special than a connection between a father and a daughter which is why prayers for a dad from a daughter are so special. Prayers for a dad from a daughter are something that can be said either when a father is struggling with something in his life such as an illness or he may just need extra encouragement or strength in general. You can opt to use this prayer:
Heavenly Father,
You know how special my father is to me. I know that you never want to see him suffer. If at all possible, I ask that you remove the burdens that he is facing and help him to navigate through any challenges that he may be facing. Please hear my pleas. Amen.
Prayers for a Sick Parent
Seeing your parent sick is never something that is easy to deal with, especially when that parent is your father. Praying prayers for a sick parent or general prayers for the sick is something that can give you a tremendous sense of peace in times of hardship. Here is an example of prayers for the sick that you can pray:
Dear God,
My father is struggling and sick right now. I ask that you please help to ease the pain that he may be facing and bring him your holy spirit to give him peace and comfort. Amen.

Prayers for Fathers and Husband
It’s not uncommon for a wife to pray for her husband who is also a father which is the leading reason why prayers for fathers and husband are so popular. If you would like to say unique prayers for the special fathers and husbands in your life, why not take inspiration from this powerful prayer:
I humbly ask that you hear these prayers for fathers and husband, especially mine, and take them under your holy care. Please keep them safe and help them to remain focused on the higher calling that you may have for them. In your name, I pray. Amen.