Do you have something in your life that you’re struggling with? Perhaps you have a special intention that you would like to bring to God’s attention? These are all examples of a prayer request that you can make through prayers for petition. Prayers for petition are typically said when there is something that is monumental happening in your life. Along with these prayers for petition, you can include unique prayer intentions in your overall prayer request to God.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Request for Prayers Catholic
There are many people who feel more comfortable putting together a request for prayers that is Catholic as part of their petition prayers. Therefore, you may want to put together a request for prayers that is Catholic. A Catholic prayer request often incorporates different saints or even the Virgin Mary into your overall prayers. For instance, it would be uncommon to include a prayer request to St. Jude in your request for prayers that is Catholic. If you feel as though you need inspiration when it comes to your Catholic prayer request, here is an example of a prayer you can use:
Heavenly Father,
I come to you and petition you for help. I know that all things are possible through you, however, I’m asking that you send down not only your holy spirit but also the support of the saints and angels so that I can work through the challenges that I may face in my life. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Prayers Request for Healing
One of the most common prayers for petition that a person usually makes revolves around a prayer request for healing. Prayers request for healing is something that comes in many different shapes and forms and depending on the circumstances. For example, if you have a family member that is ill, you may want to put together prayers request for healing as well as prayers for your family. If you need help in putting together prayers request for healing, here is one that you can use:
I come before you in prayer and with requests for healing. I know that everything is done according to your will, but if possible, if you could provide me with your healing touch so that I can start to feel the comfort of your presence. In your name, I pray. Amen.
What are Prayers of Petition
If you are not familiar with the Christian or Catholic faith, it’s possible that you may be asking yourself, “What are prayers of petition?”. A prayer of petition is a prayer request that you make to God on behalf of a special intention that you have. One of the incredible things about prayer is that it is the basis of your relationship with God. Therefore, it’s important that you take the time to put together a prayer request that will truly convey your intentions. There are many different options that you have when it comes to the best way to put together a prayer petition such as:
- Form a prayer chain
Putting together a prayer chain is something that can be specific to your church or even your group of friends. You can also make the decision to form a prayer group which is something that can help you make a stronger connection with other
- Set aside special time in prayer
It can be difficult to say prayer when it feels as though there is chaos going on around you. Therefore, one of the best things that you can do is to set aside a dedicated time for prayer.
- Attend mass
One of the best things that you can do is to attend mass. This will help you to strengthen your relationship with God and make your communication with Him that much more meaningful.

Prayers for Immediate Help
One of the most common prayer petitions revolves around prayers for immediate help and prayer for help. This is typically something that happens when a person is in urgent need. These prayers for immediate help are usually short and to the point because an individual finds themselves in serious distress. An example can be:
Dear God,
I’m in urgent need of your help. Please give me the wisdom that I need to navigate this situation that I’m currently in. Amen.