The things that a person may need to put a prayer request together for are seemingly endless. A person may put prayers for request together due to the fact that their family is suffering with some type of tragedy or difficulties. Therefore, a request for prayers for a family would be fitting. There are many other people who may be thankful for the things that are going on in their life. Therefore, they may pray prayers for thanksgiving since they know that God has heard their requests.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayer Request Online
In a technologically driven day and age, one of the easiest ways that you can ask for a prayer request is to make a prayer request online. Making a prayer request online is something that is easier at times instead of trying to take a pilgrimage to a holy location. At Holy Land Prayer, our team will personally bring the prayer request online that you made to the Church of the Holy Seplucher and pray your prayer on your behalf.

Prayers for Unspoken Request
Do you have a prayer that is being held deep in your heart? Prayers for unspoken request are something that can be just as powerful as the ones that are said out loud. These types of prayers may be difficult to formulate which is one of the reasons why they tend to remain unspoken. If you’re struggling to find the right words when it comes to putting together prayers for unspoken request, here is a powerful example that you can use:
Dear Jesus,
You know what is in my heart. Please help me to talk to you in the peace of my own heart so that I can find the right way to convey my prayer intentions in a way that can bring me peace when it comes to these unspoken requests. I know that all things are possible through you and with you. Please help me to work through what I’m thinking and help me to come to peace. In your holy name I pray, Amen.
Prayer Request for Healing
One of the most powerful prayer requests that a person can make is a prayer request for healing. A prayer request for healing is something that someone makes when they are struggling with a physical and psychological ailment. Also, a person can make a prayer request for healing on behalf of themselves or their loved ones. If you need inspiration for a prayer request for healing, here is an example of one that you can make:
Heavenly Father,
I know that you know that I’m suffering right now. Although I know that everything in my life is done according to your will, I humble ask that you hear these prayers for request to take some of this burden away from me. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Prayers for Special Requests
There are several prayers for special requests or prayer for impossible request that you can make throughout your life. Do you have a friend that is in need or prayers? Perhaps you have a family member that is pregnant and is in need of prayers for special request and prayers for a baby. Are you struggling to put together prayers for special requests? Try saying this prayer:
Dear Jesus,
Please hear my prayers for special requests. There are so many people in my life that need your heavenly touch in their life. Please look kindly on these words and convey your holy spirit to their special intentions. Amen.

How to Ask for Prayers Request
There is seemingly no end to the different ways of how to ask for prayer requests. Here are a few ways that you may want to consider:
- Join a prayer group
- Request a holy mass
- Submit a prayer request online
- Keep a prayer journal
Of course, you can always pray for inspiration when it comes to how to ask for prayers request such as:
Dear God,
Please hear these simply words and know that I’m working on putting together my own prayer request. Please guide my thoughts so that I know what to say and what to do when it comes to conveying my prayer requests. Amen.