When you have a friend who is struggling with an illness, you may be in a position where you’re trying to find ways to say prayers for a sick friend. One of the best things that you can do is to make a special prayer request which will elevate your prayers for a sick friend. With this peace of mind in your prayer request, you will know that God will hear your pleas in prayers for a sick friend as well as the others in your life that may be suffering from any type of ailment.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayers for Sick Person
There are undoubtedly sick individuals that you know. Whether these people are special people in your life or they are someone that you may have heard from through your prayers for the church, saying prayers for a sick person can implore that God provides them with his healing touch. If you need inspiration when it comes to your prayers for a sick person, here is an example of prayers for a sick person that you can use:
Dear God,
Please hear my prayers for the sick person in my life. Whether they are suffering from a physical ailment or a psychological one, I hope that you will hear these words and help them to find the comfort that they need in their life. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Sick Family Member Catholic
Do you prefer to put together a Catholic prayer request? If so, there are countless ways that you can put together a prayer for a sick family member that is Catholic. You may want to take advantage of making a prayer request to St. Jude or say a prayer to Our Lady of Fatima. Regardless of which approach you take, you can take comfort in the fact that your prayer for a sick family member that is Catholic will be heard by God. An example of such a prayer could be:
Heavenly Father,
I petition you with this prayer for a sick family member who is Catholic. I know that you will hear these Catholic prayers and look kindly on them. Please provide my family members with the help and the strength that they need to navigate through what they are experiencing. Please send down your Holy Spirit upon them and remind them that you are always there for them and with them throughout all of their struggles.
Prayers for Sick Family
Having a person in your family who is sick is never something that is easy to deal with. Whether that individual is struggling with cancer and is in need of a cancer prayer or they are suffering from some form of mental illness, saying prayers for sick family members is something that can help to bring you the peace of mind of knowing that God is there not only for them but also for you as you work toward trying to help them through their ailment. Prayers for sick family member can include:
I bring my prayer intercessions before you through prayers for a sick family member. I pray that you will provide them with your healing touch and comfort during these difficult times. I know that all things are possible through you and with you. Amen.

Prayers for Sick Dying Person
Facing the idea that a person that you love and care about is dying is something that is devastating. During these times of struggles, it’s important to remember that God is in control over all things. Therefore, it’s important that you turn to him for comfort and guidance during these trying times so that you can find the peace and comfort that you need. Remember, after your loved one has passed away, you can always say prayers for the dead. Here is a prayer for sick and dying person that you can use in your prayer requests:
I know that you are in charge of all things in life. I know that my loved one is about to pass away and I ask that you look kindly on these prayers for a sick and dying person. Please help them to transition into a life in heaven with you so that they can leave all of the pain and suffering that they may be experiencing in this world. Amen.