The well-being of the Church is the focus of a prayer request from Catholics and Christians all over the world. Over and above the prayer intentions of the Holy Father as well as their own personal Catholic prayer request, putting together a Catholic or a Christian prayer intention which includes prayers for the church is something that can provide you with the peace of mind that you need to know that God is guiding your church in a way that is pleasing to him.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayer for the Church Leaders
The church leaders are some of the most important people in the church. There are countless people that are included in the church hierarchy. From the pope to the cardinals, from the bishops to pastors to deacons, all of these individuals are blessed with special insight from God to be able to guide the members of their church in such a way that will bring them to eternal life. Therefore, it’s important to include a prayer for the church leaders in your unique prayer request. Here is an example of a prayer for church leaders that you can use in your daily prayers:
Heavenly Father,
Please hear this prayer for guidance for my church leaders. I know that they are on a special mission given by you to lead the members of my church. Help me to open my ears to their message and develop a better understanding relationship with you through what they say to me. Also, give me the courage I need to help these special individuals in their mission when needed. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Prayers for the Church Family
Although you may include prayers for your family in your daily prayer request, you should never forget prayers for the church family. One of the beautiful things about the church is the fact that when you see others there week in and week out, they almost become an extended family to you. Therefore, prayers for the church family are something that become important to incorporate into your prayer life. Here is an example of prayers for the Church family that you can use:
I humbly ask you to keep my church family safe and protected through any trials and tribulations that they may face. Please keep their faith in you strong and help to guide their steps as they walk through whatever may be going on in their life. Amen.
Praying for the Church Service
Going to a church service and saying prayers for your friends or prayers for the sick is something that a person does quite often. However, you will notice that in the moments leading up to the service, the church usually gets quiet as those in the congregation start to prepare themselves for the mass that is about to come and ask that the Holy Spirit come down on the congregation during this time. You, too, can participate in prayer for the church service by saying this prayer:
Please bless the celebrant of the mass today. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here among my church family and help me to truly listen to what is being said in the readings as well as the homily for today.

How to Pray for the Church
There are so many ways that you can choose from when it comes to how to pray for the church. For example, you can put together a list of prayer intentions with your prayer group that each of you can pray on a regular basis. You can also decide to keep a prayer journal which is something that can be helpful when it comes to tracking your prayer intentions. Of course, you can always make the decision to say night prayers before you go to bed. As long as you are making a conscious effort when it comes to how to pray for the church, you can rest assured that God will always hear them.