A mass is a special time that you can spend in prayer, reflection and listen to the word of God. Making a request for holy mass is something that can bring a special intention that you have before God. There are many reasons why a person may make a request for holy mass. They may be suffering with a certain illness or they may want a mass said on behalf of a loved one in their life. Although prayers for the dead or prayers for healing can be powerful before God, there is something remarkable about knowing that a mass is being said for you or for a loved one. The tremendous sense of peace and understanding that comes along with a having a mass said for your intention or a person that is struggling in your life is undeniable.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Considerations When Making a Holy Mass Request
There are many people who stay clear of making a holy mass request because they feel overwhelmed by the process. The reality is that every church will have a specific person or a dedicated staff of people who can guide you through the process of making this request.
There are a few details that you want to keep in mind when you would like to make a request for holy mass. Here are some examples:
- The date
If you’re making a holy mass request to commemorate a certain event in your life, it’s important that you’re conscious of the date that the mass will be said. There are many churches that allow you to request a specific date where holy mass will be said for your particular intercession. However, if you wait too long to make this request, it’s possible that you may not be able to capture the date that you want. A good rule of thumb is to reach out to your church as soon as possible to ensure that you can have your mass said on your preferred date.
- The location
If you’re having a mass said on behalf of a loved one who is suffering or a friend or family member that has passed away, it’s important to remember that the location of the church where the mass is said is important. If your friend or family member lives or lived further away, it may be difficult to have a mass said on their behalf when the person that is making the request is not close to that church. In most cases, however, you can usually have a mass said for any person by making a holy mass request through your own church.
- Invite friends or family to the mass
If you know when the mass is going to take place, you can always invite friends or family members to this special event. If you’ve requested this mass on someone’s behalf, you should invite that person or their loved ones to attend the mass.
At Holy Land Prayer, we bring your special intentions to one of the holiest places in the world, the Church of the Holy Sepluchre. Be sure to read through our powerful prayer library and submit your prayer intention today.